Who is here?

Businesses, researchers, and academics, together with government, industry and the public sector make the European Marine Science Park what it is today - a growing and thriving marine science community. Come share a space with us!

It’s a fantastic working environment. We knew that there were already lots of organisations based at the European Marine Science Park that it would be good to be close to. The cross-working is very important. It’s a thriving and exciting place to be!
Dr Lynda Mitchell, Manager, ALIEnergy


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ALIEnergy promotes sustainable energy use and renewable energy generation, to address fuel poverty and to reduce carbon emissions. ALIEnergy is a facilitator, project manager and programme co-ordinator; supports communities to build capacity to participate in renewable energy and energy saving activity.

Website: alienergy.org.uk


Bakkafrost Logo


Employs over 600 staff across rural and remote communities throughout the western Highlands and Islands of Scotland. They are a leading producer of the finest quality Scottish Salmon engaged in all stages of the value chain.  

Website: bakkafrost.com/

BAM Marine Ltd

BAM Marine

BAM Marine Ltd

This company aims to become one of the world’s largest aquaculture shipping companies providing specialist services to the aquaculture farming industry worldwide.

Website: bam-marine.com/

Blue Oasis Ventures

Blue Oasis Ventures

Blue Oasis Ventures is a private investment holding company and scaling platform (for ventures and funds) headquartered at the European Marine Science Park in Oban, Scotland; focused on Health and Climate innovation including in the Blue Economy, Built Environment, and Artificial Intelligence-driven Climate Solutions. Blue Oasis Ventures is an affiliate of Maroon Invest Global's venture capital fund registered in Delaware, USA.


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Glycomar offers expertise in the discovery and development of high value polysaccharide and carbohydrate products for pharmaceutical, personal care and nutrition sectors.

Website: glycomar.com


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HUID is an innovative company that is creating compostable packaging using material made from onion skins.

Website: huid.co.uk/

Migdale Transport

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Migdale Transport

A company that provides live fish transport solutions to the fish farming industry throughout the UK, Ireland and France.

Ocean Ecology

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Ocean Ecology

An organisation established by marine biologists, that believes in the protection of the marine environment.


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OCEANIUM is developing marine-safe, home compostable bio-packaging materials and food & nutrition products from sustainably farmed seaweed.

Ocean Kinetics

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Ocean Kinetics

A business providing welding and fabrication, machining and mechanical services, diving, ROV and survey work for the energy, renewables, fishing and aquaculture, decommissioning, salvage, power and utilities sectors.

PatoGen Ltd

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PatoGen Ltd

Norwegian company specialising in all aspects of fish health, fresh and saltwater.

Website: patogen.com/

Planetary Tech

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Planetary Tech

A collaborative organisation that works with world-class scientific institutions, regulators and local communities to develop safe and sustainable carbon removal methods.

SAMS Enterprise Ltd

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SAMS Enterprise Ltd

SAMS provides specialist marine consultancy and survey services, under pinned by cutting-edge science. SAMS Enterprise is a wholly owned trading subsidiary of the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS). Through the multidisciplinary marine research and in-house facilities of the SAMS, they provide a on the spot bespoke marine consultancy service.

Scottish Seaweed Industry Association


Scottish Seaweed Industry Association

The Scottish Seaweed Industry Association is an organisation that is dedicated to promoting the growth and development of the seaweed and aquaculture sector.

Website: ssia.scot/

Tritonia Scientific Ltd

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Tritonia Scientific Ltd

As well as dive teams, Tritonia Scientific also owns MCA-coded diving vessels, and maintains the local emergency recompression facility. The company is applying a range of underwater techniques and technologies in support of many commercial and advanced scientific operations, including underwater photogrammetry.


European Centre for Marine Biotechnology

The European Centre for Marine Biotechnology (ECMB) is a European 'research infrastructure' that provides researchers and companies with access to marine organisms and the facilities to study them, including experimental facilities and technological platforms.

ECMB is co-located on the European Marine Science Park within the SAMS building. Businesses within the space include:

  • Lallemand Aquapharm focuses on the selection and screening of marine microorganisms and has the expertise and facilities to screen and identify new bacterial strains and novel classes of compounds for use across several industry sectors.
  • Pharmaq Analytiq is a diagnostic laboratory that offers state of the art pathogen detection and advisory services.

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Find out more about our available space at EMSP.

Offices, labs & plots

Camas House External Smaller


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