European Marine Science Park surrounded in clear blue water

Why you should locate here

Businesses, researchers and academics come together creating strong opportunities for collaboration.


The natural home for marine science

The European Marine Science Park (EMSP) is an established centre for marine science research. Organisations based here not only benefit from being part of a strong cluster of businesses, researchers and academia, but the proximity to the marine environment, skilled talent pool and facilities available, make it the ideal location for you.

Developed by Highlands and Islands Enterprise, the economic and community development agency for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, the EMSP and those choosing to locate here are supported throughout their journey. We can offer business support and incentives, help you to make the connections you need, and can bridge the gap between policy makers, industry and academia.

It is for these reasons and more, that make this the ideal location for those operating in marine science and the blue economy. Why don’t you join us? Get in touch today to see how we can help you.

The EMSP is committed to supporting the just transition to net zero. Have a look at our Green Transport Strategy to find out more. 


The Scottish Association for Marine Science

The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) is Scotland’s largest and oldest independent marine science organisation which works for a healthy and sustainably managed marine environment through research, education, knowledge exchange and engagement with society.

SAMS also houses Europe’s largest Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa, (CCAP), which is a component of the UK's scientific infrastructure and is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) as a national service culture collection, or Biological Resource Centre (BRC), providing cultures (cyanobacterial, protistan, macro-algal), bioinformatic data, services and advice to the scientific community world-wide.

Find out more about SAMS


SAMS also offer a suite of world-class analytical facilities available for hire. 

Find out more




There are already a number of businesses based at our European Marine Science Park, just waiting to share knowledge with others on site.

Who is here?


Whether you’re looking for incubator space to get started, larger premises tailored to your needs or a short term let, we can help.

Support for businesses

Living and working in Argyll and the Islands.

The perfect work/life balance

The Argyll and the Islands area is a combination of stunning scenery, inspiring landscapes, including 23 inhabited islands each with their own unique culture waiting to be explored.

Located on the west coast of Scotland, the area boasts seven National Nature Reserves and is one of the best places in Scotland to see iconic wildlife including puffins, golden eagles, red deer, seals and many more.

Find out more about our area


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