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Development opportunities

The EMSP has a number of development opportunities that would suit a wide range of business requirements.

European Marine Science Park - phase two

The European Marine Science Park (EMSP) has grown from strength to strength since inception. Through a £20m (circa) injection in funding predicted over the next five to ten years, those choosing to locate at the park will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grow and prosper. 

Phase 2 will enhance current business and development opportunities so if you're looking to thrive in growing marine science environment, get in touch and chat to us about what you need. 

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Development land

We currently have land available for development. By locating here you’d be a neighbour to both a fleet of marine businesses and to the world renowned Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS).

Find out more

EMSP Phase 2 Graphic

Get In Touch

If you think the EMSP could be the next home for your marine business then we'd love to hear from you. Please use the button below to get in touch with us, let us know what your requirements are and what you are looking for and our team will be delighted to advise you further.

Contact us

Useful information

Learn more about the European Marine Science Park and get excited about what we offer.

Who is here?

Find out who your neighbours will be. We already have a strong, innovative business cluster who call the EMSP home.

Why you should locate here

Businesses, researchers and academics come together creating strong opportunities for collaboration at the EMSP.


Have a look at our latest news to find out more on who we're supporting and how we're helping to develop the region.

Contact us

Please get in touch if you need our help or would like to discuss working with us.


For all the latest information about the exciting opportunities and developments happening at the European Marine Science Park sign up here for your quarterly Tidings Newsletter!

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